January 2022: WebAssembly i32.atomic.wait timeout value incorrectly interpreted by factor 1000 (with Paras Sanghavi) December 2019: Multiple concurrent IndexedDB delete, open, fill and openCursor operations leads to linearly increasing disk usage (with Troy Gibb) January 2018: Browser crashes when committing to multiple OffscreenCanvas instances October 2016: Opacity is applied twice when using hardware acceleration (with Chris Hasson) February 2015: CSSTransitionGroup behaves oddly when using `window.getComputedStyle(node).getPropertyValue(...)` in child component October 2014: While fetching an HTML import, new elements have computed style display:none May 2014: Adding elements asynchronously breaks :hover combined with adjacent/sibling CSS selector September 2013: When using pushState in a nested iframe, the first push does not trigger an interface update July 2012: DevTools break when an unrecognised pseudo-class is present in CSS July 2012: Jumping when using "position: fixed", "-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden", and textarea